Integrated Self-Empowerment Therapy (ISET)

ISET is an effective and subtle form of therapy that helps to create positive change in your life – whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is effective because it allows you to gain insights into beliefs and behaviours that may be holding you back. It uses many different modalities and therefore allows for an individual approach to healing. Some of the modalities that may be utilised are: guided imagery, counselling, deep relaxation therapy, colour therapy and energy healing.



ISET was developed in Australia by Eileen Goble who was a holistic psychotherapist and before passing was the Principal of The Holistic Centre in Melbourne. Eileen spend many years researching her greatest love – the dynamics between our mind, soul and body. She published several books and meditation CD’s which focus on healing through self-awareness.  Her products can be seen on this site and purchased by contacting Joy.

A Typical Session

We will discuss your reasons for coming to a session. Reasons vary of course and can include issues you may be having with work, family, health etc.   ISET is then tailored to your needs which may include any of the modalities mentioned above.


  • A more profound insight and understanding of self
  • Strategies and tools to assist you
  • Release of emotions, behaviours and beliefs that may be holding you back

Duration & Cost

1.5 – 2 hour session      $150